Deloitte Digital @ SXSW
experiential, event, concertProblem: Deloitte is a new player in the creative field and wanted to make a name for themselves as tech futurists.
We put them on the map with the ARC experience — a 2-night concert and sensory experience. And the lynchpin of the whole thing? An entirely new, collaborative way to create music aka Audience Reactive Composition — featuring original music and performances by Grammy-nominated RAC, along with acclaimed indie artists Oberhofer and Baio of Vampire Weekend.
We put them on the map with the ARC experience — a 2-night concert and sensory experience. And the lynchpin of the whole thing? An entirely new, collaborative way to create music aka Audience Reactive Composition — featuring original music and performances by Grammy-nominated RAC, along with acclaimed indie artists Oberhofer and Baio of Vampire Weekend.